The classic car and motorcycle community
who get involved remembering, preserving and passing on
the artisans’ work


Wise hands

Marcello Gandini: Il designer del futuro – Capitolo 1

È una giornata speciale, dopo il burrascoso...

1000 Miglia 2020

Fino all’ultimo non ci volevamo credere. Ha dell’incredibile...
Other meetings

How to Record Your Classic Car Country Tour?

Classic car country tour is a tour in which...
Wise hands

Genius and audacity – Chapter 3

I ask Oscar to go back to the topic that will never...
Wise hands

Genius and audacity – Chapter 2

I mean, homologation was a somewhat long phase, wasn’t it?...
Wise hands

Genius and audacity – Chapter 1

How important is historical memory? What is the ultimate meaning of “keeping”?...

“He who works with his hands is a laborer. He who works with his hands and his head is a craftsman.
He who works with his hands and his head and his heart is an artist”

– St. Francis of Assisi

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